Prior to the training, trainees follow the online knowledge module ‘Roles of Participation’ in INVOLVsupport's online learning environment (about 45 minutes). They also fill in a short intake form with their experiences and their questions to the trainers.
During the morning session, the preparatory steps of a collaboration between researcher and patient representative are discussed. We will cover some theoretical aspects, interrupted for short practical assignments. Questions that were collected during the intake will be addressed.
Soon after you will start applying this to your own research. The Participation Matrix is introduced as a tool to help you obtain a better picture of the possibilities and challenges of patient involvement in your research. This is a group exercise, in order to stimulate mutual learning from your own and other’s experiences and ideas. As a result of this brainstorm, you will end up with the first contours of a personal plan of action. Per group, one case is worked out towards a pitch for the entire group. An experienced patient research partner will play an important role during the afternoon programme.
This training is English spoken and includes English materials. The training is also available in Dutch.
The training takes place at the UMCG Onderwijscentrum (internal UMCG address: Winkelstraat 1, 2nd floor).
Casper Schoemaker, patient participation advisor, INVOLV
Casper Schoemaker is a patient participation advisor and trainer for patient participation courses in research, including duo-intervision groups of researchers and patients. He has a lot of experience as a researcher, but also as a patient representative. It is by no means self-evident in the research world that patients contribute ideas and participate in decision-making. Fortunately, there are many young researchers who want to do this, but are not yet sure how. It is very rewarding work to help them on their way so that they can develop a working relationship with their patient partners that suits them both. Doing research together with patients is much more fun and instructive and ultimately leads to results that benefit everyone.
Wendy Wagenaar, patient participation trainer, INVOLV
Wendy is a trainer for courses on patient participation in research, including patient participation in scientific research for patients and assessing research proposals for patients. She has extensive experience as a researcher in the field of rare diseases and is an academic teacher at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. She also has extensive experience as a patient representative in the field of rheumatic diseases.
You will receive a certificate of attendance.
Centrum Bij- en Nascholing from the Wenckebach Instituut voor Onderwijs en Opleiden UMCG in cooperation with INVOLV