International Course ‘Infant Motor Profile’ (IMP) - Physical Course

Soort cursus:

The Infant Motor Profile (IMP) is an instrument to assess motor development in infancy. It is a video-based assessment for infants aged 3 to 18 months, or rather until the age of walking independently for a few months. It is based on a video of about 15 minutes of spontaneous motor behaviour in supine, prone, sitting, standing, walking and during reaching and grasping – depending on the age of the infant. The IMP does not only include information about the infant’s motor achievement but also information about the way in which the infant accomplishes his/her achievements. The qualitative aspects of the assessment are based on the principles of the Neuronal Group Selection Theory (NGST). This means that key parameters in IMP assessment are the size of the infant’s motor repertoire (sufficiently variable or not; 25 items) and the infant’s ability to make an adaptive selection out of his/her repertoire (15 items). Other domains are performance (23 items), symmetry (10 items) and fluency (7 items). Studies indicate that the IMP is an instrument with good reliability and promising validity.

  • Doelgroep

    (Paediatric) physiotherapists, occupational therapists, paediatricians, neonatologists, paediatric neurologists and paediatric physiatrists


    Study load: The number of contact hours (2 days) is 12, the number of self-study hours is 20 (study the articles and practice with the Manual). At the end of day two there is a final test session. Participants receive a certificate.

  • Programma

    The course starts with the theoretical background of the IMP. Thereafter ample time will be devoted to practice, mostly on the basis of existing video recordings, but also on the basis of newly made video recordings.

    Day 1
    09.00  Welcome and registration
    09.15  Principles of typical and atypical motor development (NGST) 
    10.30  Coffee break 
    11.00  Introduction of the Infant Motor Profile (IMP) 
    12.15  Lunch 
    13.15  Practice: IMP Videos of infants aged 4-6 Months 
    14.30  Coffee/tea break 
    14.45  Assessment of an infant; IMP scoring on basis of the video recording 
    15.45  Coffee/tea break 
    16.00  Practice: IMP Videos of infants aged 7-12 Months

    Day 2
    09:00  Welcome and registration
    09.15  Repetition of Day 1
    09.45  Practice: IMP Videos of infants aged 12-18 months
    10.45  Coffee break
    11.05  Practice: IMP Videos of infants aged 4-6 months
    12.15  Lunch
    13.15  Assessment of an infant. IMP scoring on basis of the video recording
    14.30  Coffee/tea break
    14.50  Application of the IMP in Research and practice / IMP Videos of infants aged 10-18 months
    15.50  Coffee/tea break
    16.05  Test
    16.45  End of the course

    The course will be held at the University Medical Center Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2nd floor, Education Center “Onderwijscentrum”.


    At the end of day two there is a final test session.


    Kirsten Heineman, MD, PhD
    Tjitske Hielkema, MD, PhD


    CME: Continuing Medical Education credits will be organized for professionals belonging to the Koninklijk Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie.


    Wenckebach Instituut for Education and Training in cooperation with the department developmental neurology of the University Medical Center Groningen

  • Kosten

    The registration fee for participants is € 495,- per person. Costs may be subject to change. This price includes coffee, tea, lunches, manual and a reader. To prepare for the course, the participant should read the first chapters of 'The Infant Motor Profile'; a practical manual on a new, evidence-based method to assess infant motor behaviour. Please be aware that as a participant you need to order the IMP manual yourself. 
    ISBN book: ISBN 9780367358112. You can order the IMP manual here.



    Are you interested in participating? Please send an e-mail to: [email protected] and we will inform you as soon as you can register.

  • Wenckebach Instituut voor Onderwijs en Opleiden
    Centrum Bij- en Nascholing
    (t) 06 - 52 59 66 83 (e) [email protected]