Symposium 'patients in research'

Shaping the future together
Shaping the future together
Soort cursus:

Join us for a dynamic symposium on patient involvement in research. Discover different perspectives, from funding to best practices, from inclusivity to research relevance, and learn more about the pivotal role patients can play as research partners. Be prepared for speakers who inspire, panel discussions that enlighten and presentations from UMCG departments that inform.

Let's redefine the landscape of research together, don't miss out!

  • Doelgroep

    All researchers who want to involve patients in their scientific research and all healthcare professionals with an interest in this topic.

  • Programma

    13.00   Registration
    13.05   Opening/start
    14.45   Break
    17.00   Closure

    Scan the QR-code to find out more about the programme:

    This symposium will be held at the University Medical Center Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2nd floor, Education Center 'Onderwijscentrum'.


    Accreditation of the programme is requested from ABAN for medical specialists and for nursing specialists (VSR).


    Centrum Bij- en Nascholing WIOO in collaboration with Bureau Onderzoek/UMC Staf UMCG.

  • Kosten

    Participation is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.


    Participation is subjected to a minimum and maximum number of participants. Registration takes place in order of entry.

  • Wenckebach Instituut voor Onderwijs en Opleiden
    Centrum Bij- en Nascholing
    (t) 050 – 361 3558 (e) [email protected]